shadow event :an event for all classes begginning llv 20-130, the event hoster choose 2-10 RANDOM peopils, you cant just pick em, peopils will say they cheat, and now we got those mobs, anti hanneth allience, theres hanneth allience is lvl 20-130 so every character will fight his own class anti hanneth allience, two of them ofc.
Hidden mob event: a gm hide a mob and all of the players need to find it, gm give 2-3 tips for explorers, winner gets the mob and the drop.
tower event: tower of iyzel is empty, so every floor=mobs and then boss, the mroe you go the more bosses and monsters will spawn, and will be stronger tho.
Forest Event:the big house zone flowers, a gm spawns them in a town, not to many and hide mobs and exploding flowers there, to a forest shape, players need to pass the forest ofc, first one to pass is the winner.
killing the unkillable:a gm spawn a boss, melphar/helga/karen depends on the players whoes there, he also spawn hero rouman, and chief elderine[idk the names i forgoot em]and a good helga spawn[yes there is a helping helga, its a mini helga XD]which helps the peopils. when killed gets a reward maybe chests.
bigboo gave me thet idea, :p.
PVP event:THets not my event but this is gonna be good becaus it will be thet way.
class vs same class, the winners gets a reward, so are 2nd and 3rd
1 of each class wins gets a skin, second ones will get a suit not in npcs
3rd will get a gm suit thet adds nothing.